
You are applying for the Primary Scholarship Test at Carmel School.

Please read the following information carefully before applying.

Carmel School is pleased to introduce a new Scholarship Program for prospective and current students. The program will provide outstanding young people with the opportunity to be selected for a scholarship, and for these individuals and their families to be a part of our community, where students thrive and feel a strong sense of belonging.

Primary tests are for students currently in
Year 5

Level 1 tests are for students currently in Year 6 and 7.

Level 2 tests are for students currently in Year 8 and 9.

The test date is Sunday 14 November (during the day) and the interview date is Tuesday 23 November (evening). Please ensure you can attend both of these dates before registering for the test.

Welcome to ACER’s Scholarship Tests

  1. Create a Parent Account.
  2. Log in to your parent's account.
  3. Add your child to your account.
  4. Click on the 'Apply for a scholarship' link next to your child's name and follow the instructions to apply for a school.
  5. Make sure you select Carmel School - Primary Scholarship Test from the list.